Join us in the campaign to have active and public transport adequately funded
Public and active transport networks are vital to the success of our society. They provide a healthy and economic means of communication and movement. These networks enable the young, old, less mobile, and those with limited means to be social and access employment and essential services.
Yet before the 2013 federal election was called, two of the nations major parties were committing to immediately sink billions of dollars into motorways and nothing into public or active transport. This is despite the Deputy Prime Minister releasing the State of Australian Cities 2013 just days before the election with the following finding:
The economy benefits by more than $21 every time a person cycles 20 minutes to work and back and $8.50 each time a person walks 20 minutes to and from work. (Tuesday July 31st 2013 Sydney Morning Herald)
Our policies of continuous incremental improvement and maximising use of existing infrastructure capacity combine to create a cost-effective plan for Sydney. Take for example the Pippita City Express, this proposal with just one station and one car park can take thousands of cars off the roads; and for less than 1% the cost of the Westconnex Motorway.
Our proposals for staged delivery of a light rail network around the South East and Sydney CBD build to an orbital network connecting thousands of people to jobs, services, and recreation. On their own each stage would deliver significant benefits to the people of Sydney, but together they are a proposal that has the power to transform our city from one built on cars to one designed for people.
Strategic Context: The world is face massive rapid change because of social, technological and demographic pressures. Linked below are presentations to understand that change and the opportunities they provide.
- Background
- Inland Rail – De-congesting the East Coast
- Regional Rail – Building a state not just a city!
- Light Rail – Cheap, high capacity, transport delivered in stages.
- Sydney Metro – Sardines anyone?
- Badgery’s Creek – Transforming & Fixing or Reinforcing Sydney’s Problems
Project Policies: Australia used to lead the world with best practices in rail operations, on some of the world’s largest rail networks. However an institutional bias has allowed a destructive culture of short-term cost cutting, combined with construction gold-plating to devastate the operational ability and culture in our transport agencies.
Priority Projects: This includes some of the projects EcoTransit Sydney is advocating for that will combine around the Parramatta-Sydney-Airport corridor to relieve congestion and support our city.
- East-West TransLink Proposal: Sustainable alternative to expanding the M5 Motorway
- Two More Tracks: How to boost Sydney’s commuter rail capacity
- North West Metro – Unfit for Purpose: The O’Farrell Government & the North West Rail Link
- Pippita Centre: Provides a useful central node in the cities transport mesh network
- Parramatta Road Light Rail: With a modest investment in light rail it’s now possible to remove tens of thousands of vehicle movements a day
- Parramatta City Councils Western Sydney Light Rail Network: Parramatta City Council has published a feasibility study into the proposed Western Sydney Light Rail Network
- Sydney Light Rail Orbital – Southern Section: Providing a new cross-radial link between the existing inner west and south-west heavy rail lines
- Sydney Light Rail Orbital – White Bay Green Link: This new route would create a direct express corridor (or ‘arc’) from the inner west to the northern and central CBD