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EcoTransit Sydney

Video: Gavin Gatenby & David Kirby on WestConnex & history repeating

The Fifth Estate: Video: Gavin Gatenby & David Kirby on WestConnex & history repeating (2 July 2015)

In the late 1970s in Sydney it was the South-West freeway, now the M5, that drew heavy opposition.

Today it’s the WestConnex, but as far as EcoTransit Sydney’s Gavin Gatenby is concerned the fundamentals have not changed.Read More »Video: Gavin Gatenby & David Kirby on WestConnex & history repeating

New calls to complete Eastern Suburbs Railway

A Millenium train at Museum Station / Photo: Marcus Wong/Wongm's Rail Gallery
A Millenium train at Museum Station / Photo: Marcus Wong/Wongm’s Rail Gallery

AltMedia: New calls to complete Eastern Suburbs Railway May 9, 2013 

Controversy over the CBD and South East Light Rail project has reignited debate about the incomplete Eastern Suburbs Railway line, with Surry Hills residents claiming its completion could negate the need for the light rail project.Read More »New calls to complete Eastern Suburbs Railway