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Considering e-scooters for Greater Sydney

Not sure what the NSW Govt and Transport NSW feel about electric scooters recently. But after 10 weeks in southern France at Nice and Menton and then visiting about a dozen cities and large towns in England I have to say I am impressed with the potential they have for filling gaps in the public transport system, if introduced with a well designed and supervised program.

E-scooters are not for everyone.  As a 70 year old I found them practical and great fun in the 10 weeks away when I was reliant 90% of the time on public transport.  My only reservations were

1) the poor suspension on some brands of e-scooters that resulted in all the bumps in the road being transferred up my arms

2) the start-up instructions with some brands was hopeless, complex and a turn-off as I walked away and found another brand of e-scooter

3) some local govt areas, like southern London and Milton Keynes has well managed e-scooter systems that providers had to bid for, and they seem to have been evaluated on the quality of their submission, not cost and price factors.


The following article on Lime’s offering in the Guardian is well worth reading.

I just wonder why NSW Govt has been so resistant to e-scooters, when QLD and ACT seem very happy to have them on their roads!